About Us


PRVBSFIT (Pronounced: Proverbs Fit) is a Christian Apparel Company that is committed to promoting Spiritual and Physical Fitness. PRVBSFIT began with the foundation of the Bible Verse Proverbs 14:23, which reads, “All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads to nothing.” With this foundation, we aspire to apply hard work to every aspect of our lives and do all things to give glory to God. 

By wearing clothing and representing PRVBSFIT items, you are representing that you aspire to work hard and give glory to God. This apparel is an opportunity to witness Christ, fitness, and hard work to the world. PRVBSFIT is not only for athletes but for anyone who is willing to give their work to God and seek to live for him. For more information view the blog post, "Why Proverbs?"

A Message From PRVBSFIT Owner/Founder



I am so happy you’re here. I am the proud owner and founder of PRVBSFIT! Over the course of my Senior year of High School (2021-2022) the concepts of living a healthy lifestyle, taking care of the life God has given me, and wanting to give Him glory excelled to the top of my priorities list. During the month of June 2022, God truly planted an idea in me. The idea was to create a business based on one of my favorite Bible Verses, Proverbs 14:23. Almost one year of work later, near the end of my first year in college, I finally turned that idea into reality.  I love the book of Proverbs because so many verses can be applied to living a lifestyle that is pleasing to the Lord. In both difficult and joyous times, I know I can trust in Him. 

Ultimately, I want to create a community that inspires and motivates people in their faith and wellness journeys. I am so fortunate to be partnered with the organization Compassion International and have the opportunity to donate to their Health and Nutrition Fund with every sale made. By inspiring others, I know through creating a community we have the power to make a real impact throughout the world. 

I could not be more blessed to have this opportunity to start building this brand and to make an impact in the lives of others. Please feel free to reach out on our Instagram page (linked below) or email (contact page) with any questions, comments, or concerns. Every sale, prayer, and means of support makes a lasting impact. I’m so excited for you to join the PRVBSFIT Community! Always work hard and strive to give God glory in everything you do.

